Monday, May 19, 2008

Training Hard


I know it has been awhile since I last here we go:

Thursday: It was sooooo extremely nice outside on Thursday and I wanted to ride outside. I didn't have my bike with me and I didn't want to go home after work get my bike, load my car, yadda, yadda, yadda. Instead I hauled it up the stairs to my rooftop patio and biked up there. These are some pics of my view I had from the roof! I made sure to rotate around so I could look at a little of every thing. I am sure my neighbour's think I am nuts :)

Friday: On Friday it was 26 degrees outside and sunny! I went for my run at around 2:30 and right away found out that was a bad idea. I had the hardest time controlling my heart rate :( I was getting pretty frustrated....but this was the first time I had run in the heat since last summer! I made it through the 45 min and it really took it out of me!

Later that night I had to go swimming and I REALLY didn't want to! I wanted to park my butt for the night and leave it there. Chad was laying the guilt trip on me pretty thick about not going to the pool. After I threw a huge hissy fit and stormed out of the house to the pool I got there and realized I forgot my towel. CRAP! I called Chad and he told me to suck it up and use paper towel when I got out of the pool. Now I was SUPER DUPER mad about having to go swimming. I went anyway....without a towel (oh and they didn't have paper towel just air driers :) and swam. I actually had a really good swim after all the drama. When I was finished I didn't have time to get into the hot tub....I was cold and cranky...and then on my way to the change rooms Chad was sitting in the viewing gallery with a towel. I smiled and thanked him and it turned out to be not so bad!

On Saturday I woke up and got all of my stuff together to go for a ride (which takes a very long time to gather all of my gear....I need to work on that). I went out on Cowboy trail again and it was stinking hot! It was 30 degrees outside and beautiful! I loved it. I meticulously put on my sunscreen so I would not get a sunburn and I was off. Last time I was out here it took me 10 minutes longer on the way back (which I thought was due to the hills) so I turned around when I figured I would end up with a time of 3 hours 20 min. Not so much. It took me less time on the way back. I thought I was so clever planning out the wind blah blah blah and I STILL got it wrong. I am a rookie at this long ride thing but I would like the learning curve to be a little steeper. I ended up going out for 3 hours in the end. I think I need to work on my time adding skills :)

I got home to see that I had missed two little parts of skin with the sunscreen and now have two matching painful burns on my back. Oh the life! Once I got showered up Chad and I went and did some running around and the vegged for the rest of the night.

Sunday: I had to work on Sunday so I was up early to get my run in before work. My legs disagreed for about the first 20 min (mostly since I NEVER workout in the wee morning hours) and then I was feeling pretty good. I did a 60 min run with 15 min of tempo running. It was still warm out but there was a little cloud cover and I could keep my heart rate in check much better than on Friday.

After work I met up with Chad and Allan (chads coach) for dinner in celebration of him completing his powerlifting cycle! When I got home I tried everything to get out of going to the pool and when that didn't work I threw a little less of a hissy fit and went. Oh such a battle! I remembered my towel this time though!

Now today I am waiting for Chad (who is taking his sweet ass time) and we are going out to Banff for a ride. It is supposed to be raining...but anything can happen in the mountains and maybe we'll get lucky!

Oh yeah, when I was out biking on Saturday I saw a Moose! It was a big moose standing on the side of the road. I was a little wary because I didn't want it to charge me...but it looked pretty happy go lucky so I pushed on climbing up the hill. It looked at me with vague interest and kept on chewing! I wish I had my camera but I left it in my car....and even if I had that I forgot the memory card at home. Whoops!

Anyway we had better hit the road and maybe we'll see some critters today!


Lisa Ulrich said...

Hey Leslie, I did the same as you and biked outside with the trainer on my deck on Saturday b/c it was sooo nice out! Had to use the trainer due to the type of workout I was doing.

I just laughed out loud when you said Chad told you to use paper towels to dry off at the pool! I just pictured you doing that and it would have been so hilarious! Nice that Chad showed up with a towel after all and saved the day.

Don't worry about your HR being high in the heat - it is naturally going to be higher when it is hot out. The important thing is you got your workout in!

runningman said...

wow, you got to see a moose, that's pretty sweet!!