Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother Nature is teasing us...


Last night I managed to get my run in between the rain! That's 2 weeks in a row I managed to sneak out of running in crappy weather! So Tuesdays brick my legs felt great and last night not so much. After I warmed up I started to do my tempo work and I felt ok, not great, not bad. By the time I finished my run my legs were dead and I was starving. I think I am not eating enough before I go out and so I am running on empty...which is not good. I'll work on that.

Another problem in the last couple of weeks has been my asthma. It hardly ever bothers me, usually just once a year. Sometimes it is in the dead of winter and sometimes it is in the spring. This year it is the spring. This week is better than last, but it is still there none the less. Another reason I am ready for summer to be here. It normally doesn't effect my training....just a little harder to breathe that's all :)

Tonight I have bike class....I am thinking we are riding inside?????? It is already snowing west of the city...only a matter of time now!

It's Chad's Birthday tomorrow night, he is going to be an old fart too now! Ha ha. We are going to Flames Central at 9pm if anyone cares to join us. Bye for now.


runningman said...

I hope it's gone for your race. Crossing my fingers for ya.

Luanne said...

Have a great time at your race! I plan to come out for a drink tomorrow night!