Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tired Legs

When I went for my run on Monday and my legs were pretty dead. It kinda came out of no where because I had felt so good since Wednesday the previous week.

My weights and swim pretty much went the same on Monday night. I was sitting on the couch watching Friends and eating dinner and the shelf in the closet collapsed. It scared the crap out of me. Last night I spent the entire night trying to figure out what do do with all of our jackets, mitts, toques, etc. Blah.

My legs have been really achy again today. I went for a massage, so now they have loosened up and are still achy! Hopefully it is one of those times where I will feel better once I run instead of worse. That's usually what happens! Tonight I have a somewhat long run for 75-90 min!

Not a very exciting post, but nothing exciting has happened....which is kind of unusual for me!

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