Friday, April 25, 2008

Off to the races...

It has been a easy week of training, recovery weeks are good. I have had a lot of spare time and I didn't know what to do with myself!

On Wednesday I went for a 50 minute run. I have this loop by my house that I sometimes will run. Last year it was taking me about 53 minutes to complete. So on Wednesday I figured I would give that a go and it would take me 55 min because I would be running at an easier pace. Well, I was able to do it faster and at a lower heart rate! Whoot whoot!

Yesterday was my rest day rather than Tuesday due to the race on Saturday. I was falling asleep on the couch around 7:30 so I decided to get off my butt and do something. I ended up making soup and doing a bunch of laundry....exciting night let me tell you.

This afternoon I am going to go for a quick run and then we are off to Medicine Hat for the race on Saturday. I hope to stay around the same time as the moonlight run, we'll see how it goes! Chad is in the 5km AND he is doing the CPS 5 km run on Sunday morning. What a crazy...I'll be there to watch on Sunday and cheer everyone on! Have a great weekend and the sun should be shining. Yeah!