Saturday, March 22, 2008

Crossing America Update

Chad has figured out where I am in my Crossing America Challenge, 1.5 hrs outside of Lansing, Michigan.....AND I survived another quiz...whoot whoot! There were a couple of rocky moments because I hadn't done one in awhile. I have to brush up on the states I haven't been to yet...tried some of those tonight and that did not go so well!

Class last night was good, I got a 2 hour ride in. My heart rate monitor was giving me some technical difficulties, so not too sure what zone I was in...but it was a gooder either way. After class I grabbed some grub and headed to the gym. Chad challenged me a lot last night....pushed my outside of my comfort zone. It is a good thing; I have had a lot of that lately...I do like my comfort zone though but I tend to loiter there too long:)

I went for a 45 minute run today after I slept in....which was glorious! I worked at staying in my proper HR zone again today. I noticed that when I thought about Ironman...more particularly the finish of IMC I tended to speed up a bit. Ha ha...I will have to reserve those thoughts for biking.

I also had a impromptu run today. I was meeting one of my girlfriends to go shopping and she was going to take the train down and meet me on 17th. She is not from Calgary, so I told her (to the best my memory could serve me) where to get off. Well I was off by one stop and ended up having a quick jog to the next train station to meet up with her. I don't think I stayed in zone 2 for that one. I am horrible with directions and so it was the blind leading the blind on our cell phones until we could find one another....then we had to walk back. My bad.

Have a good easter everyone!


Luanne said...

Hi Leslie! i am back on the mend... what a crappy week I had. I did a good workout with Chad yesterday and will be at the gym today too! I really like to read how your training is going as well.

Lisa Ulrich said...

Good job on the rides and runs Leslie! How is the new bike feeling?

Jenna said...

Hi, Iron Greg is my coach too :) Not sure how I stumbled across your blog but we'll see you at IMC 2008 :)

Leslie said...

Thanks Lisa! The bike feels pretty good. I am getting more and more comfortable on it! Love the pics from San Fran:)