Sunday, March 30, 2008
Another weekend bites the dust!
On Friday I went for a run along the Bow river again. My legs were still a little tired from class the night before, and it was freezing outside yet again. Brrrrrr. I headed home after my run to relax for a bit and then went to the gym. I did 6-8 sets of cleans (I can't remember exactly...hehe:) and I was pooped. They really worked my back though because I went to the pool after weights and holly crap could I ever feel it! My lats were done by the end of my swim! It was pretty funny, I was sharing a lane with this little dude and he was amazed at how I hardly ever stopped and could just keep swimming! For my main set I was doing 150's, and here I thought I was stopping a lot!
Saturday morning I got up and did a 2 hour ride, while Chad had to go out and brave the cold to run with a client. Ha ha. How the tables have turned...I was nice and toasty inside on my bike! He did say he "enjoyed" running....I heard him say it...he can't take it back now!
Anyway, the bike was good. I have been trying to pay more attention to what I am doing while on the bike....I only lost focus 2-3 times and it was for less than a minute each time. Not bad for a 2 hour ride on the trainer. I did have The OC on while I was biking....maybe that led me astray a couple of times:)
After Chad got home and we both got cleaned up we went and did a little tri shopping! What fun! Chad more so than me, but I did find this cycling jersey for 50% off....and its pretty. Can't go wrong.
Once we got home we both had a nap...and then I headed out with some girlfriends for a birthday party! It was a good time. I only had a few drinks and lots of water. It was still a late night so I was pretty tired yesterday.
I did get up yesterday morning at 9 am to get my bike in before I headed to work. I actually had a really good training session. I put the tunes on and managed to stay on track for the entire workout!
After work I laced up my shoes and braved the snow and went for a 45 min run. It was really pretty with the snow falling and quiet. My legs felt good, I thought I might be tuckered out but my body felt good.
The most amazing part of training lately is that I got up this morning before work AGAIN and went for my run. This time my legs were tired...I think that is because I literally rolled out of bed into my running gear and headed out the door, so I was fairly hungry!
Bad news is that I had a lot of sick clients through my office last week and a caught a little bit of a cold. Not too bad, my throat is really dry and I have a case of the sniffles that's about it!
I gave Chad all of my training hours from the last week, so I should have a crossing America update soon! Happy Monday everyone!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Not enough clothes....
On Wednesday nothing went according to my grand plan of events:( I got my run in, which is another entire story!
Since I had my nap on Wednesday afternoon...which was glorious by the way, I had to cram my run in after work. I was supposed to be off at around 6:15ish. That turned into 6:45, so I was rushing out of work so I could go for my run before it got too dark and I would be running with the creepos down by the river.
See I grew up in the north and up there all I had to worry about Bears and wolves. It was great because even if it was 11:00 pm, I could go for a run (which is actually really nice and relaxing). Down here I am a little more paranoid about all of the people in the bushes not animals....I much prefer the animals!
Anyway, (a little off track there) I hurried down to the river to get my run done. I FROZE! I didn't pack enough clothes and so it was a wee bit chilly. My hands and feet were numb until about half way through...the wind was a blowin'! Good news was that I could keep my heart rate where I wanted it and pick up the pace quite a bit!
The rest of the evening didn't go as planned because Chad convinced to to go to Earls with everyone. I figured I could go and grab some food and have time to get to the such luck. Everyone was still waiting for our "reserved" table for 8pm at 8:30pm...hmmm. Needless to say we didn't get in until after 9pm, so no swimming for me!
Last night I went to class again and it was great...feel the burn! The single leg drills were long last night and I was having a hard time to get my legs to cooperate with what I wanted them to do! When I went to bed last night I knew I had a really good workout and pushed it a bit because my legs were spent! It felt good!
Today I am going to go for a run do some weights and something else maybe???? Not too sure, I can't remember. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Feeling Rested
On Monday I biked for 60 min, worked on the usual stuff. It was good though...I actually feel like I am getting somewhere with my biking! I am addicted to the OC, laugh at me if you want but I like that show. My girlfriend had season 3 for awhile and I just got it back....sooo good. Something new to watch while I am on the trainer!
My swim on Monday was strong. I did 3000m and it felt not as long as it sounds. Believe it or not that is my longest swim of the year....I think I need to work on the mileage a little bit. Everyone from the gym are going out for wings tonight and I am going swimming instead...I don't really like wings, I usually have a salad. Doesn't have the same ring to it though does it. Going out for salads!
I am going to head to the gym after I run tonight to do some core work and such. I have started tanning a couple of times a week....don't worry I only go for like 6 minutes. I need to get up a base so I don't burn to a crisp on race day. I still have tan lines from where I burned last June in Oliver! That was the most painful burn EVER! I kept applying sunscreen, but it wasn't enough for the 37 degrees....and I am pastie.
Anyway, I chat ya up later. Bye
Monday, March 24, 2008
Date Day!
I was trying to stand out in the blowing you can see my eyes are closed because it was flying at me:) This pic really doesn't do it really was snowing I promise!
More hats.....
We had a lot of fun! We were going to go up to Johnson's Canyon, but due to the weather we changed our minds! We never seem to dress warm enough when we go to Banff!
I was supposed to get up and bike before we went to Banff....but it was my last day off and so I stayed in bed and read my book and then fell back to sleep. I didn't get onto my bike until after we got home from Banff last night! I did a 2.5 hour ride and it was ok. We watched....well I watched while Chad slept...The Assassination of Jesse James. It was pretty good; a little slow moving but interesting none the less and it helped pass time while I was biking.
My run on Saturday was pretty good. Still working at running at a lower heart rate...plugging along. I did walk up the ridiculously steep hill to keep my heart rate down, I felt like such a slacker. Ha ha. It was nice and sunny outside. Chad had taken a couple of his clients out for runs as well, so they were out on the trail with me for awhile as well!
I am a few hours past Lansing, Michigan and headed towards Indianapolis, Indiana....I think that is where I am going! I am on my way back across the states now...headed home!
Tonight I am on the bike again and going to head to the pool. I want to do around 3 km in the water tonight, but we will see how it goes. Bye!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Crossing America Update
Class last night was good, I got a 2 hour ride in. My heart rate monitor was giving me some technical difficulties, so not too sure what zone I was in...but it was a gooder either way. After class I grabbed some grub and headed to the gym. Chad challenged me a lot last night....pushed my outside of my comfort zone. It is a good thing; I have had a lot of that lately...I do like my comfort zone though but I tend to loiter there too long:)
I went for a 45 minute run today after I slept in....which was glorious! I worked at staying in my proper HR zone again today. I noticed that when I thought about Ironman...more particularly the finish of IMC I tended to speed up a bit. Ha ha...I will have to reserve those thoughts for biking.
I also had a impromptu run today. I was meeting one of my girlfriends to go shopping and she was going to take the train down and meet me on 17th. She is not from Calgary, so I told her (to the best my memory could serve me) where to get off. Well I was off by one stop and ended up having a quick jog to the next train station to meet up with her. I don't think I stayed in zone 2 for that one. I am horrible with directions and so it was the blind leading the blind on our cell phones until we could find one another....then we had to walk back. My bad.
Have a good easter everyone!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Feeling Sleepy
Scott and Danielle told me to take organic apple cider vinegar to help with my cramping feet/calves (Danielle swears by the stuff). I wandered over to the health food store today and picked some up. I am supposed to take 2 tablespoons daily.Well I got 1 teaspoon down and that was it. I felt like I took a shot of whiskey....blah. It burned all of the way down:( Tomorrow I am going to try it diluted in some water....if this doesn't work out I think I will get capsules instead! Oh and it smells BAD!
Last night I went to the gym and then biked at home later. It was 70 minutes total for the ride; did single leg drills again and I think I am getting better at them. I also did some 30 sec sprints with 60 sec in between, 6 times. Lastly I worked on staying down in aero....still trying to build up a tolerance! I completely forgot about the Biggest Loser until Chad came home and asked me about it. Whoops!
Tonight I am off to the pool again, hopefully going to get a longer swim in tonight. Chad is going to come as well, so that usually distracts me a little but it is fun!
Anyway, I should get back to work. I have a crazy day tomorrow since we are closed on Friday (Yay....I plan on sleeping). Speaking of sleeping I forgot....I have been tired all week so I think I need the time off work!
***********There is a night of sleep right here************
Well my client came and I didn't have time to finish my blog post:) So it is now Thursday....and I am still a little sleepy. I am going to spin class tonight and to the gym.....and then to my couch and/or bed!
Tomorrow I have a run planned and then I think I am going to do a little shopping. Oh and I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar today mixed with water and it went down a little better than yesterday! It is supposed to help with muscle recovery and blah blah blah....does not taste good:)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Motor Boat
I biked last night for 50 minutes, I worked on my single leg drills and cadence. My bike computer and I are in a bit of an argument right now and it appears to be winning....oh well. Biking really helped my leg soreness, I can walk down stairs easily now!
Last night I didn't go to the gym....I felt like swimming and when that happens I can't pass it up! So tonight I am on my way to the gym and I am going to do a 70 min ride while I watch the Biggest Loser. By the end of today we will be half way done the week!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Moonlight Run
My run time last year was 59:18, this year my time was 53:20 and I was 12th/53 in my age category! I took 6:10 off of my time from last year. The funny thing is I was worried because I have only been doing base training and no intervals!
I started out down the hill going pretty fast (I think this is why I am so sore:) About 25-30 min into the race my legs were burning! I tried not to think about it and just keep going.
I re-evaluated where I was at every 20 min. After the first 20 min I was feeling pretty good holding a good pace, I followed this tall lanky guy for awhile. I was pretty pumped I could stay with the tall guy...his legs were like 3 feet longer than mine:) Oh and there are a lot spitters in Lethbridge, eeewww. It is a pretty crowded race and people were spitting all over the place without watching for other runners behind them. I had a couple of close calls; needless to say it gave me motivation to run faster and get away from them!
Anyway, my next evaluation was at 40 min, the burning started to subside momentarily and I was still feeling okay. I was getting close to the end because we were on our way back towards the hill. I was at the bottom of the giant hill at 44 min. I talked to Greg before the race; he said to pace myself throughout so that I can giver up the hill and go into an anaerobic zone and I should be fine because the race is over once you get to the top of the hill! So that is what I did. I thought my legs were burning before, boy oh boy was I wrong. I counted the number of corners on the way down so I knew I had 4 curves in the road before I was at the top. I ran and counted down, it didn't start to really hurt until about 1/2 way up. At that point it comes down to mental toughness!
Once I finished I found Chad and noticed I could feel my quads tightening right away. Ouch ouch ouch! We waited for Peggy to finish and went in for the awards ceremony. I like this race because they give out a lot of prizes. Chad cleaned up: he got 2 hats, a pair of socks, and a travel mug. I guess those long arms do come in handy! Ha ha. He gave Peggy one of the hats and gave me the mug (which I am drinking out of right now!), so everyone went home happy.
We didn't get home until late last night, so no bike ride for me. Oh well, turns out groceries are important too! I am still pretty sore today, so I think I am going to bike tonight and do some weights. I am going to forgo running in the next couple of days!
Friday, March 14, 2008
I got's me a coach!
Sooo, I went to the cycling class that Greg teaches last night (he convinced me to go:). I decided to step outside of my comfort zone, suck it up and go; it was really wicked and time flew by! I like going and being told what to do and at what intensity I should be at...whew...I could definitely feel the burn!
I also corrected my seat problem with my bike and my butt is thanking me. Chad and I had a few technical technical glitches I mean breaking the bolt that holds my seat on! Anyway, I went up to Speed Theory and got a new bolt and I am now I am ready to rock!
On Wednesday I was supposed to bike and swim, but that is when we were having problems with my bike seat. Having said that I got a swim in and managed to have a pretty good workout again. I have felt fast in the water lately, which makes me stay in the pool and complete my full workouts! Chad came on Wednesday too with one of his clients. Each week he is looking better and better in the know what they say practice makes perfect!
We are off to Lethbridge far it is snowing today but is supposed to clear up by tomorrow. I don't trust it a bit! Here's to running my bootay off on Saturday night....maybe I'll treat myself to a glass of wine after...yummm!
Chad figured out my Crossing America Challenge and I am in Pennsylvania. I think I am on my way to West Virgina. I will update the map soon... and by I.... I mean Chad will update the map and I will post it:) Ha ha. I can't figure out how to do it. Anyway, have a good weekend everyone!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Wicked Workouts!
Last night I had good workouts all round. I started on my way to the gym when it dawned on me that I should be running outside because it is GORGEOUS out...but I had no where to change so I sucked it up and went to run on the tready. My run was great...didn't have my heart rate monitor on, which was probably a good thing because the gym was hot hot hot! I looked like Darryl does when he runs on the tready...ha ha ha...sorry man:) A good 45 minutes done and done.
Then I went and did some clean and jerks. I am keeping my weights pretty easy due to the race on the weekend! I think I talked to Leroy more than I did weights, but hey that's what the gym is for right!
I went home and had some food and then headed to the pool. My workout was awesome! I kept passing the guy beside me who was wearing a multisports canada cap....that gave me an extra boost to giver a little more:) 2400m done and done. I was pretty tired after all my training, so I didn't have a problem falling asleep last night! I am a little groggy today too, but I don't have to train tonight! Yay! OK back to work now....see ya lata!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Weekend is done...
I got to test out my bike a little more last night and I think that I am going to have to go back to my old saddle, because holly crapolly did that hurt. I biked for 2 hours last night and it was tough! The body position is so different, other than the seat everything went smoothly. I really notice a difference in the pedal stroke and the tension put onto my shoulders from being in the aero position. On my old bike I looked like superman I was so stretched out! I am going to incorporate some more planks into my weights, I think the added core and position should help me get used to the new position of my bike a little quicker! I am looking forward to getting out on the roads and into the sunshine.
Next weekend is the first road race of the year. We are headed to Lethbridge on Saturday for the Moonlight Run. I am doing the 10km and Chad is being a slacker this year and doing the 6 km. Ha ha, just kidding. He wants to do faster shorter races this year. I love this race: it is well organised, has good prizes, and it is at night so I don't have to get up at some ungodly hour in the morning! The only thing that sucks is that it snows EVERY year! This is my 4th time doing this race and it always is uber nice the week before and then Saturday around noon the weather changes and a blizzard rolls through! Boourns!
Race next weekend means an easier training week for me as I am doing a little bit of a taper. I am a little nervous about attaining my original goal for this race as I have not done any speed work at all for running. Oh well, I'll push it as hard as I can and leave it all out on the course!
I am off to the gym tonight to do a run and a few weights. I also have to swim later on tonight. I didn't get any good swim workouts in last week, so I am ready to dive in and get a good workout in the pool! Tomorrow is my day off of training so I am going to plant my butt on the couch and watch the biggest looser!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
New Bike!
Onto other good news, I found a coach! Yeah! I am pretty excited! I am looking forward to having someone telling me what to do. I think that extra little push will keep me going all summer long. His name is Greg Bradley and has done 12 Ironmans, he has a degree in kinesiology as well, and just from talking to him I can tell he loves this sport. He has sent me some questionnaires to complete and we are going to meet sometime next week to talk about coaching.
I went for a 90 minute run today and my stomach started acting up about an hour in. It was so bad I had to keep stopping and walking:( This hasn't happened in a very long time...actually I don't think I have ever had to walk before. Needless to say it was not fun.
Anywho, I should head to bed since I have to work and bike tomorrow. I have been tired ever since Don't forget to change your clocks, daylight savings starts tomorrow!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Running Uphill...both ways :)
On to the good news....I am going to pick up my bike tomorrow! WHOOT WHOOT! I am sooooo excited...words can not express. I do have a problem though...I have no idea how to take my pedals off, or computer so I am going to bring my whole bike there....and because I am a girl who knows not a whole lot about bikes, so hopefully they can help me out:)
I biked for 90 minutes last night and then went swimming with Chad. We were in the water for about 1/2 hour. He is doing much better and I can see the improvement, he has come a long way! I had to keep my mouth shut though....I really really wanted to give him a few things to work on....but I kept my mouth shut! We might go again on Saturday, but I think I will head into the 50m pool to get a workout in, he distracts me:)
Tonight I am off to the gym and to the pool. I'll be sure to post some pics of my new ride this weekend!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Yesterday I ended my training week with a 4 hour ride on the trainer. Whew!That is a long time to sit on a bike let me tell ya! I parked myself in front of the TV for the entire time yesterday. I watched friends, xweighted, part of Pearl Harbour (I turned it off...wasn't in the mood) and to end it I watched The Guardian. I love that movie:) After about 3 hours I was getting a little antsy and my butt was starting to hurt, it wasn't too bad though. I was getting pretty hungry and the food I was eating wasn't sustaining me. Chad went and got 2 slices of pizza and he gave me the crusts which helped a lot. Apparently I needed something more substantial which I will keep in mind for future rides; maybe a PB sandwich next time?? I definitely have to mentally prepared to sit on the trainer for that long though!
Good news! That was probably my last ride on my old bike! Sugah daddy Chad is going to lend me some moulah so I can bring my bike home and start riding it! His point of view is "why do we have it sitting in the store when you could owe me $$$ and be riding it!" Not hard to convince me of that one. It should only take me a couple of months to pay it off though!
Which leads me to more exciting may already know this depending on whose blog you read first:) Chad bought a bike this weekend....VERY exciting. He was pretty funny....I don't think it really sunk in until he started telling people. Up until that point he wasn't too excited, pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. Once we went to pick up my camera and $$$ did he show some excitement....after that he looked at the pics we took like every 1/2 hour! Ha ha.
OK back to training. Here is the table of my training volumes since I started the Crossing America Challenge.
As you can see I was a little inconsistent in December before I started my IMC training. As well as when I was sick around new years, which is why I don't have steady builds in the beginning. The other thing I have learned is not to play around with my training program during the week. For example if I didn't have time on Sunday to do my long ride I would do it on Monday instead...which leads to an inconsistent build! As you can see since my last recovery week I have stuck to my training plan and I have a good steady volume load! I had to juggle a little bit for the next 2 weeks, due to my race on the 15th. So my volume will go down in the next two weeks for recovery/taper!
That being said I did my last 2 hour run on Saturday for a couple of weeks which I am pretty stoked about! It was really windy on Saturday, but the sun came out about half way through so that made it warm up for a bit! Next week I have a 90 min long run with the following week being race day:)
I also got 3 weight training sessions in last week...that's right three! I was pretty proud of myself. Lots of core training and power endurance training. On Friday I got Chad to help me with my Olympic lifts. I had always been doing cleans (where you lift the bar from your knees to your shoulders), but I did the push press on Friday at the the full clean and jerk (lifting the bar from below my knees to above my head)! I am going to get him to record me doing this so you can see what I am talking about. Olympic lifts are awesome power training because you use your whole body! My core (abs) were sore all week from Monday and I didn't do a single "ab" exercise! I love it!!!
In my Crossing America Challenge within the last week I have passed: Hartford Connecticut, Providence Rhode Island, Boston Massachusetts, Concord New Hampshire, and Augusta Maine. I am about 3 hours out of Mount Pelier Vermont! I guess I have a few capital tests ahead of me, pressure's on!
Last week my swims were going pretty good. I felt strong in the water, I am doing flip turns all of the time now. I always knew how to do them, but never implemented them into my training! Apparently I must look friendly because both of my workouts got interrupted by these guys yaking at me. Don't get me wrong, I love to chat about triathlon, just not for 15 minutes in the middle of my set! I didn't get all of the distance I wanted in because of this. Chad later informed me that they were hitting on me...I thought they wanted to talk about tri's:) Oops....bad judgement on my part...creepos! Ha ha. The random swimmers in my lane are really starting to bug me too! Does it look like I am there to play in the Well then don't frolic around in my lane! Anywho, hopefully this week goes a little smoother. Is smoother a word?
That's all for now, I'll update ya in a few days and see how things are going!