On Friday I went for a run along the Bow river again. My legs were still a little tired from class the night before, and it was freezing outside yet again. Brrrrrr. I headed home after my run to relax for a bit and then went to the gym. I did 6-8 sets of cleans (I can't remember exactly...hehe:) and I was pooped. They really worked my back though because I went to the pool after weights and holly crap could I ever feel it! My lats were done by the end of my swim! It was pretty funny, I was sharing a lane with this little dude and he was amazed at how I hardly ever stopped and could just keep swimming! For my main set I was doing 150's, and here I thought I was stopping a lot!
Saturday morning I got up and did a 2 hour ride, while Chad had to go out and brave the cold to run with a client. Ha ha. How the tables have turned...I was nice and toasty inside on my bike! He did say he "enjoyed" running....I heard him say it...he can't take it back now!
Anyway, the bike was good. I have been trying to pay more attention to what I am doing while on the bike....I only lost focus 2-3 times and it was for less than a minute each time. Not bad for a 2 hour ride on the trainer. I did have The OC on while I was biking....maybe that led me astray a couple of times:)
After Chad got home and we both got cleaned up we went and did a little tri shopping! What fun! Chad more so than me, but I did find this cycling jersey for 50% off....and its pretty. Can't go wrong.
Once we got home we both had a nap...and then I headed out with some girlfriends for a birthday party! It was a good time. I only had a few drinks and lots of water. It was still a late night so I was pretty tired yesterday.
I did get up yesterday morning at 9 am to get my bike in before I headed to work. I actually had a really good training session. I put the tunes on and managed to stay on track for the entire workout!
After work I laced up my shoes and braved the snow and went for a 45 min run. It was really pretty with the snow falling and quiet. My legs felt good, I thought I might be tuckered out but my body felt good.
The most amazing part of training lately is that I got up this morning before work AGAIN and went for my run. This time my legs were tired...I think that is because I literally rolled out of bed into my running gear and headed out the door, so I was fairly hungry!
Bad news is that I had a lot of sick clients through my office last week and a caught a little bit of a cold. Not too bad, my throat is really dry and I have a case of the sniffles that's about it!
I gave Chad all of my training hours from the last week, so I should have a crossing America update soon! Happy Monday everyone!