Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday morning


Well it is Saturday morning and I am at work....Boooo. Just kidding, its not that bad. Our receptionist (who is also my friend Janelle) is on holidays so I am covering for her today and next Saturday.

On Thursday there was only a few of us who went out to do the hill repeats in Cochrane. It was a beautiful night; no wind, very little traffic, and we did it 4 times! Well Darryl and Greg did it 5 times! I was biking with Iona and she for sure wanted to do 3, but wasn't too sure about the 4th. With a little push I got her back down the hill for another one. We gathered at the top and did a nice cool down back into the city. There was NO WIND on the way back into the city which is pretty much unheard of in Calgary.

Yesterday I went for a short run, only about 40 min. It took me awhile to warm up and my legs were feeling the effects of the previous nights biking. I was able to keep my heart rate in the high 120's for most of it which is great. Not even 4 months ago my heart rate would be an average 10 beats higher at the same pace!

At work on Wednesday I had the Ironman course maps out and I was working on my nutrition plan for the bike/run. My boss is very supportive of me taking time off for races, camps, etc. I don't think he really understood what Ironman was until he saw the maps and now he is full of questions about it! It is kinda funny, now I have another person who thinks I am a little nutty for doing this.

I have a busy weekend of errands, biking, running, hopefully no swimming, family visiting ahead of me. I will take some pics and update you after it is all over with.

Happy Training Everyone!
