Wednesday, August 20, 2008



That's right folks I am officially on holidays! I am now packed and ready to go. I have been asked many a time in the last couple of days if I am ready to race and I answer...."YES!"

Mostly I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has supported/put up with me in this adventure called Ironman. I am saying my thank yous now because the hard part is done and we made it! I may have gone out there and done the training but it would have been a lot harder without the support of everyone around me! It has been a journey and I just want to say's a few special thank yous:

- CHAD!!! You are my number one supporter and there is no way I would have made it here without you! You have put up with the smelly clothes, shoes, and of course smelly me for the last eight months! Not to mention you were there for all of the highs and lows of my training. Also my hollow leg I have developed this year which seems to pack away to food leaving me hungry ALL OF THE TIME! Thanks honey I love ya!

-My family: my parents (who are coming to watch:), grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles (especially Nanette and Marc who are making a trip out to watch the race:), cousins, well you get the idea. Again, thanks for putting up with me ditching out on family events to go swimming, biking, or running! You guys are awesome, and I will be thinking of all of you at some point or another while I am out there!

-My other family.....That's you Tom and guys have been great coming out and watching races, always letting me eat all of your food when we come back from rides, and just your overall understanding and support! Chad's Aunts/uncles/cousins/siblings have also been great....thanks guys!

- All of my friends and acquaintances who have always asked me how training is going, given me the thumbs up, all of my training buddies who kept pushing me up those hills (hee hee Darryl and Greg)! Lisa, you have always encouraged me in triathlon and I wanted to thank you for all of your help over the last couple of years! You guys are all awesome but there are too many of you to list so I will catch up with you after the race!

- Last but not least my coach Greg....the man who has challenged me and helped me out so much over the last 5 months or so. You are a great coach and I am already planning my race schedule for next year! Look out we have some work to do! With your help I feel confident going into Ironman....and I appreciate you answering my endless questions!

Other than that for those of you who have nothing to do on Sunday (like that ever happens:) you can track me on; search with my number (1791) or last name. Chad will also be updating his blog (see links), and feel free to call him to check up on me...if you have his number of course :) He's gonna love me for that one!
Anyway, I should go to bed so we can get up for the drive tomorrow. I will try and update once I am out there and let you know how I am feeling before the race. For now I am calm, cool, and collected.....with way too much energy to spare!


Leaha said...

Hi Leslie,

Best wishes for IM Canada! I'll be tracking your times and wishing you a 14 hour race.

Hope to see you in training next season.


Lisa Ulrich said...

Go get em Leslie! You are going to have an awesome day out there! Most important of all - enjoy yourself and NEVER GIVE UP! I will be checking your progress on ironmanlive.