Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Legs finally said "enough!"

Hey Bloggers!

On Saturday after I returned home from work I lazed around for a bit. Working on the weekend is not fun! After being lazy for awhile I finally got all of my biking junk together and headed out for a long ride. Chad was going to the Riders game so he couldn't come with me....how convenient for him, I think he was just dogging a long ride:)

I went down to Cowboy trail again, I love this ride. It has a few challenging climbs, some rollers, some flat sections, wide shoulders, and its not overly busy. I ended up going for 5 hours...132 km...and I felt AWESOME!!! I was surprised after the hill repeats on Thursday. I was on my own today so I put in the tunes and rocked out on the bike. Since I left so late I wasn't finished my bike until almost 8:00pm. I skipped the run, I felt a little uncomfortable running that late in the middle of no where by myself!

That night we met up with my family who came down for a quick visit. We sat around and chatted for awhile. I sat there and ate pretty much until I went to bed that night. I have been a bottomless pit lately!

Sunday I got up at around 10:00am. The plan was to get my run in early so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I did the "I'm not going, I am going, I'm not going" thing for about 10 min and finally sucked it up and went for my run. The beginning was a little rough, more because I am not a morning person and even less of a doing exercise in the morning person. After about 30-40 min I started feeling good. By the time I finished I felt like I could run forever; I was surprised...I have been waiting for my legs to start saying "no more."

For the rest of the day we met up with my family again at the zoo. It was crazy busy. I have never been to the zoo when it was this busy, you could hardly move anywhere. I took sitting breaks whenever I could, my legs weren't too fond of walking around and standing! Later that night we went out for dinner, I had a yummy salad from Joey Tomatoes...really it was sooo good.

Well the day came on Monday when my legs finally said "no more." Chad and I headed out for an evening ride; he has never ridden Cowboy trail so we went and did that ride again. I was feeling good before we went, didn't really feel like riding but I was just being lazy! As soon as we started out my legs were having none of it. The entire way out to Black Diamond I sucked, even on the flats I just couldn't make my legs do what I wanted them to. I thought maybe it was my nutrition so I was eating away, not really interested in drinking water (which is not normal for me). Nothing seemed to help, I couldn't seem to get warmed up, I have never felt this way EVER! Poor Chad had to keep waiting for me because I was sooooo slow! I resorted to getting a chocolate bar to see if the simple sugars were what I needed. I had done this once before when I felt crappy and it worked. We started the way back and it wasn't until the last 20km of the bike that I started feeling a little better, gotta love sugar! I was able to keep up to Chad and I made it up the last of the rollers...very happy to be done! Whew! I went out for a transition run and I felt GREAT! Interesting that I sucked ass on the bike and felt great on the 20 min run afterwards....weird.

Today I am loving not training! I have cooking to do, groceries to get, laundry, all of the regular life things that I never have time for. It is time for tappering, I have been tired lately so for now I am excited about the taper. We'll see how bored I get in the weeks to come!

1 comment:

runningman said...

woooo hoooo taper time. :)