Monday, October 27, 2008

Under the Weather

Hey Bloggers!

Sorry for the lack of updating last week. I still have my took me about a week to listen to my body and take a break! Yesterday I went to work and Shauna (who rocks by the way:) sent me home. She gave me the option to stay but as I stood there feeling dizzy and needing to sit down I threw in the towel and I went home. This is the first time since high school I went home sick...and that time I had strep (sp?) throat and was highly contagious!

Yesterday I slept...I went home and slept on my couch all day. I woke up around 9:30 (Chad was sleeping too, maybe he was having sympathy sickness:), I had a shower, got some stuff together for work and went to bed. Talk about exciting!

I am going to back track here:

I took Wednesday off since I don't get off work until 7ish and wasn't feeling great.

I felt really good on Thursday so I went to spin class and went to the gym after to lift weights. When I got up on Friday I didn't feel too bad, but by the time 5:00 rolled around something wasn't right. I went home and slept (yet again), when I woke up I went to the gym. I shouldn't have gone but that type A personality of mine won out and I went anyway.

When I woke up on Saturday I felt like death. I was the only one who could work the women's show that morning so I sucked it up and went. After working at the show I should have stayed home but didn't...I went to my hair appointment anyway. Chad called me after I was done there and said that they were at the mall and we were going out for dinner and then to a movie....again probably should have went home but didn't.

Have I learned my lesson....I hope so. I am not very good at taking it easy and if I do it will usually be for one day before I try again. Having said that however I do have a bag full of gym clothes in the back of my car....just in case I feel better and want to train after work!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think we have all struggled with what you are describing! But I have good news for you -- you WILL learn the lesson of resting and healing completely. IG told me a couple of years ago to only start working out again the day after you feel 100%. It's advice that I ignored until I finally realized that my methodolgy didn't work...

And guess what? He was right!!!

Now go home, and go back to bed, you nut!!!! :) :) :)