Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Skates, Ski's, or Rubber boots

Over the weekend I was in Edmonton visiting family. On Saturday I went for a 2 hour run, and it was very interesting. Apparently we are a little spoiled in Calgary with having cleared trails to run on. The trail was so rough in some parts I could hardly run, I thought I was going to roll my ankle (This is where ski's would have been handy). About 10 mintues in I was going across an intersection and got a huge soaker, rubber boots. My foot was making squishy noises everytime I stepped down! Then there were the pieces of sheer ice....skates would have been handy:) My stabilizer muscles sure got a workout, my knees were even a little sore when I got back. I made it though, with a few close calls and a few more soakers I was done!

On Sunday I biked for 3 hours and it went really well. I set up my bike in my grandparents basement and I had a few visitors come down and keep me company. When I didn't have anyone to chat with (mostly my granny) I watched Pretty Woman.

On Monday we were staying with my aunt and uncle. We all went swimming for awhile that afternoon. My Aunt Nanette did her first tri last summer and she plans on doing another this year. While we swam Chad and my cousin Levi went and played in the wave pool and the swirly thing! My uncle Marc swam with us for a bit and then went to join the boys.

Today was my off day...and I am still a little bit sick. I really hope this goes away soon. I managed to give it to Chad again...he can't talk really well right now!

I am 36 minutes past Columbia, South Carolina! Yeah. Slowly but surely I will get there. I have a pretty busy week ahead of me. So I have to keep on truckin. Til next time.


Lisa Ulrich said...

Welcome to running in Edmonton! what trails did you go on?

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie:

I have to say I'am tuckered out just reading your blog.

What a schedule!!!!!!

But good for you to do it.

I will check in from time to time to see whats new.
Sounds like You and Chad are busy.