Monday, February 11, 2008

Recovery Week

Well, last week wasn't very exciting due to the unloading week. One thing I did notice at the beginning of the week I was feeling pretty lazy....I think I am a little of an "all or nothing" person when it comes to my training. By Wednesday I had identified and corrected that behavior.

That being said I had a good week, I felt really strong during each workout. On Friday I went to the gym later so I could workout with Chad. I have been trying to work on power-endurance with my weight training, this will make climbing hills, getting away from a crowd of people in the water, etc a lot easier.

Weeellll, there was one point on Friday where I was sitting on the bench in between sets trying to breathe and telling myself it is okay if I can't feel my legs, arms, back, shoulders....ouch. I started out the workout with power cleans (a whole body movement where you move the bar from your feet to your head). Then I did Chads weird modified clean & jerk exercise (which are really good for triathlon training because you hit every muscle). The first 10 reps are super easy...then it gets hard. After an exercise for swmming (more shoulders and legs) I did step ups with an oblique crunch and shoulder press (this is where I couldn't feel my body). I was finally done with the pain from that workout only to go home and bike.

When I woke up on Saturday I felt good....quick recovery....and then I tried to lift my arms up. My shoulders and every muscle in my back was sore, it was awesome! My legs were fine which is good because with the -20ish weather I opted to stay inside and bike. I went for 90 minutes...all good.

I did brave the cold on Sunday (it was -16) and go for an easy 60 min run. I was worried about the cold but it was so nice out. No wind, the sun was out for a bit, blue sky. I had gone out for a girlfriends birthday on Saturday night, so I was a little worried about how I would feel, but that was the best I felt all day!

I made it through Montgomery, Alabama without a hitch. Chad thought I might get a capital wrong being hungover and all yesterday...but I survived! I am on my way to Tallahassee, Florida next; I should be there by Wednesday I think?

Chad also sold my Crosstrainer to one of his clients which is awesome because that means I have more money for my bike fund! Yay!

Have a good one,

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