Friday, February 1, 2008

Feeling Good

I have been pretty tuckered out over the last couple of weeks due to the volume increase in my workouts since January 1. All week I have felt really good and on track with my training. I was running on the treadmill last night and I was able to run way faster than I have ever before and keep my heart rate down. I had to keep bumping up the speed trying to keep my heart rate where I wanted it.

I also did some weights last night and holly crap my butt hurts today. Lunges....they are deadly. I haven't been as good at keeping up with regular weight training, maybe a couple of times per week. I did some olympic lifts on Tuesday and I was in a whole other realm of upper body soreness!

On Wednesday I braved the cold and went swimming. The air in the pool was colder than usual. I could feel it everytime I brought my arms out of the water. Brrrr. I swam for 60 min, had a lot of variety in my workout. Little did I know that If I would have swam for 7 more minutes I would have been in Austin, Texas!

I am out of Austin and on by way to Baton Rouge, Louisianna! I have to swim and bike tonight. I have a long run and bike planned for the weekend as well. It is supposed to snow tomorrow, but that's okay. I would rather run when it is -10 and snowing than when in is -30 outside:)


A. Tatum said...

Your pretty cool. My wife is trying a newbie Tri in June.

A. Tatum said...

I forgot I'm a fellow Texan as well.