Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tied Up In Knots

Ooooooooh my back is tight tight tight. It is back to massage time of year that is for sure.

Alrighty. My digestive system is not quite back to normal, so I have had a few issues in the last couple of days. This has not kept me from training though. On Monday I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. What I learned here is that doing strides on the tready is really hard to do. After awhile I gave up and just ran....this is why outside is so much better. I just keep telling myself that everyday is getting longer and I will be able to run outside after work soon!

On Tuesday there was spin class. Greg was really trying to get us working. We did more sets of hill/speed combinations BUT this time he added in some single leg drills after the sets. Oddly enough I found it not too bad....don't get me wrong it was still a challenge, especially the 90 sec ones but not as bad as I anticipated it being!

Yesterday I went for a 50 min run outside and it was AMAZING! It was sooo nice outside, a little bit of wind, and the sun was shining....glorious! I started working on my running cadence; this was interesting. I warmed up for 10 min and then started in with trying to pick up leg turnover. I was doing little drills, like counting my strides between light posts, thinking about light feet, that kind of thing. At first it was really awkward but by the end I was into a groove. I thought that my heart rate would be though the roof, but it was just a little higher than normal.

Last night I met up with Darryl and Greg at the pool. This was my first actual "workout" because I have mostly been doing drills and stuff. I could tell the difference that is for sure. I felt good in the water last night though. I could even hop on Darryl's feet a couple of times to get a bit of a draft...nice.

Tonight is spin class again. I bugged Greg to tell me what we are doing but he wouldn' I started guessing. I got part of it and all I am going to say it that it should be a gooder....I wouldn't want to ruin it for everyone!

Tomorrow is my day off....ahhhh...and then I have a quiet weekend ahead of me which I am ready for.


Shannon Wicks said...

I know what it times for all!

Iron Greg said...

Ha ha - you guys are funny!! I may just have to add a set or two if anyone else finds out?? :) hee hee!!!! See you all soon