Friday, April 24, 2009

More zzzzzz's please

It turns out when I am worried about something I have a hard time sleeping. All week I could not figure out what was bothering me....and then after Rexy got spayed yesterday and made it through safe and sound I was out!

I brought Rexy into see Dr. Sean on Tuesday because she wasn't eating, throwing up etc...and if that wasn't enough had to bring her in again to get spayed. It was more nerve racking than normal since she had been sick since last Friday...I wanted to cancel the appointment but Dr. Sean (very patiently) explained to me that she would be FINE!

The good news is that everything went a-okay. She was excited to get to the vet clinic and the AHT said that she was a great patient all day. She has no intestinal is just really inflamed and she has special food and pills to get that under control. She was funny last night with the morphine, but as long as she was snuggling up beside me she was good.

Training has been good, we swam on Monday night and it was a hard one. Ironman specific swim sets with the main one being 3 x 800m. The first set went by fast, the second my goggles were sucking my eyes out so that was all I could think about, the third I didn't think I was going to finish because there was only 16 min left until the pool closed. Darryl told me I could do it and I thought he was crazy. I did it! I could not pull myself out of the pool after, no one else was left in the pool, and I finished to the lifeguard standing above me telling me to get the hell out. Yay me!

I biked outside with the group on Tuesday. It was crazy windy, which seems to be the trend lately. It felt good to be out there is just shorts and a jersey though! Nothing exciting happened...just focused on not being blown into traffic!

On Wednesday I went for a run and it was an interesting one that's for sure. I was rushing to get out there before the snow started coming down...I didn't make it. I started out running into the wind with the snow pelting me, getting it in your eyes is the worst. I was running along and I looked over to see this guy outside vacuuming his lawn in a snowstorm...yeah I know...weird. I kept on trucking along, and on my way back the same guy started talking to me. I didn't hear what he said but it was something along the line that I shouldn't be out running in the snow and need to go home and get into a hot shower. Me being the nice person that I am told him I was trying to get my run in before the snow got too bad. THEN he said "not running at that speed you won't." Harsh...this coming from the guy vacuuming his lawn in the snow. In my defense I was doing 4 min tempo intervals and when I was going by him I was recovering between sets!

I was bad a skipped swimming on Wednesday. I was tired, it was snowing, I had to get up with all of those excuses I talked myself out of it! Yesterday was a rest day which worked out well due to Rexy's visit with Dr.Sean, and today I have a run with some pick ups in there.

Chad and I are heading out to Medicine Hat tonight for a 10 km race tomorrow morning. This was the race I actually placed 3rd in last hopefully no really really speedy people entered and I have a shot at it again! We will see!

Have a great weekend and stay warm!


Jenna said...

Good luck at your race and glad the pup is doing well. ex used to vaccuum the lawn and the driveway. Neighbours talked. I was so embarassed. I have nothing more to say. RUN HARD!!!

Keith said...

Isn't running in the snow fun? At least I didn't have anyone telling me I'm slow. Like I don't already know. I didn't see anything as interesting as a guy vacuuming his lawn.

Eileen Swanson said...

Hope the 10K went well! Glad Rexy is ok! Phew!