Monday, April 20, 2009

The girl that I am

Hey Bloggers,

To start off Chad and I have a sick puppy :( She ate some rocks (yes she is still eating things!) and then on Friday started vomiting and had diarrhea (the rocks came up thank god). We thought she was getting better, she was eating a bit, drinking lots of water, having more energy...and then this morning whamo....more vomiting and diarrhea. Needless to say we are off to the vet tomorrow.

Back to training....

Thursday I wasn't woman enough to brave the weather and ride outside with the freezing cold wind, I was cold just walking the dog. Onto the trainer I went and had an awesome workout. I was pulling up those hills let me tell ya because my hamstrings were sore for 2 days after that.

Friday is my off day and this is where Rexy started getting sick...need I say more.

Saturday I had a hair appointment that I HAD to go to. With all of the swimming, biking, and running you gotta give a girl something so every 3-4 months I have a mandatory hair cut/highlight. I know some people don't understand...but this is my girly thing I do. So having said that I also got a phone call from my Aunt Nanette saying that they were coming in for the day! The choice visiting with the fam or go for a run....of course I chose visiting with the fam. No long run for me....even though I was actually supposed to bike as per coach Greg.

On Sunday Chad and I procrastinated biking for awhile, both of us just being lazy and trying to get up the nerve to go out against the cold wind. We parked out at the church and made our way out to Cochrane against the crazy wind. One of these days it isn't going to be this windy and I will be able to ride faster than 20km in an hour (uphill against the wind in my defense). Once we got out there we explored horse creek road a bit as it is part of the calgary 70.3 course. On the way back we were flying along, may heart rate finally in zone 2 where it should have been for the entire rides...oops. Cochrane hill was tough; first time of the year climbing up that bad boy. I was hurtin, but not as bad as Chad was! I need to remember to bring my inhaler when biking outside in the spring...sometimes when I can't really breathe (like yesterday climbing up that darn hill) it would be nice to have it! In total we went about 65 km in 2:50 with lots of climbing!

Today I have to run and make up the swim we missed yesterday as Chad and I got back from biking too late to go swimming. I think I need to work on some time management skills!


Susi said...

sorry to hear about rexy - and i can totally relate to the need for a girly hair appt every few months! :)

you'll have to let me know the next time you guys are in cochrane (you can get me phone number/email from greg)...perhaps i would have braved the outdoors rather that hiding on my trainer.

horse creek / grand valley is one of my favourite rides. also there is a great loop that goes up horse creek, through bottrell, to lochend road, then west on hwy 1A. it's a hilly ride, but great for training. i think it's about 115km from my place (in cochrane).

riding out here is almost always windy - i keep telling myself it will just make me stronger, haha.

Lisa Ulrich said...

Hopefully Rexy feels better soon! Hugo was sick a couple weeks ago and it is not fun when they are sick!

Damn wind - why does it always have to be windy in Alberta?

Shannon Wicks said...

Hope the little fart is feeling better soon!

You guys are both rocking your workouts!!! Nice is inspiring...