Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sometimes I wonder....

I know 2 blog posts in 2 days....amazing isn't it! Yesterday I woke up feeling like death, sooooo tired, sore throat (2nd morning with a sore throat), and a headache, all in all not a good way to start a day. Which brings me to my blog title; all of my clients are sick lately, so sick that they can't go to work BUT they still come in to see me. What the EFF???? Why oh why would you come in so you can give me your germs. In my personal opinion if you are too sick to go to shouldn't be out running errands. On the other hand it is good that they come in for accountability, but I still don't want your germs. So I am hoping that my immune system is up to the challenge of fighting this off!

Once I finally dragged myself out the door for my run I managed to pull out a good one. I find what exercise does for your body amazing. I felt 100% better after I ran yesterday, even though my mean coach gave me 5 x 3 min intervals on a 2 min rest after doing intense MAP work on the bike the night before:):):) That's okay, nothing I can't went much better than the hill work after MAP intervals...that was a peel me off the pavement workout!

Last night for swimming I ate some not so good soup....and boy oh boy did I pay for it. My stomach was screaming at me. There was one point when Chad and I were at the wall and he asked me not to throw up on him! I did feel really good in the water last night though. After warm up (with NO golf...Yay!), we did 5x100m, with long rest, then 4x25 @ 95-100% effort and then a 500m time trial. I had never done a 500m TT so I wasn't sure what to expect in the end I went a little too easy...would have been a good pace for 1000m TT, but I finished in 9:30min.

Tonight I have spin class, more MAP work....all 2 min sets this time I think. Ouch ouch ouch!


Shannon Wicks said...

Sounds like you are getting in some quality workouts as of late...all of it will pay big dividends when you race Cozumel (sp?) later this year...good on ya!

Chad Geiger said...

I was just reading your critter count on the sidebar for last summer. I laughed when I saw 3 little crab things! I remember being on the ocean and you jumping up and down screaming that a mini crab was biting you in the surf!!! I'm still chuckling!