Monday, February 23, 2009

Some days you have it, some you don't

Hey Gang,

Thursday nights spin class went surprisingly well. My legs were pretty tired during warm up, but when we got going I was still able to bump it up and get the intensity to where it should be. This was our last MAP session for a bit so we (Clare and I) bumped it up a bit and managed to hang on until the end of class. I have found that I improved over the last month in doing these!

Friday Chad and I rented movies and chilled out for the night. I slept like the dead and woke up Saturday morning feeling better than I had in a long time. Once I got up and got Rexy organised I hopped on the bike for 1:45 followed by a 20 min run. The entire time I felt really good! The rest of the day was spent shopping on 17th with a girlfriend, going out for dinner, and watching more movies.

Sunday morning I felt like I was up a the crack of dawn to get my run in. I have never seen so many running groups in my entire life. I have been running in that area for 3 years and never seen so many people out....there were a couple of groups with 30-40 people in them! My run was not so took me 45 min to feel normal...blah. I was very happy to be home at 90 min!

Nolan and I were busy at work on Sunday and when I got home I crashed for an hour...I love napping!

Swimming last night was tough. I felt like I was swimming through arms were not so happy. I suffered through the whole thing. I woke up this morning with a very big headache and a very sore throat. I hope I didn't catch my co-workers cold, because she has been sick for over a week!

Oh and in Rexy news she ate one of my gloves...not just any of those long ones that come up to your elbows...oh yeah. I caught her while she had the second one half way down. Get this, she pulled them out from a drawer. A couple of minutes later she had a sock...from the laundry hamper! Lucky for us she threw up the glove in the middle of the night. Oh the fun!


Jenna said...

lol...the adventures of pups hey? Rolo ate the corner of a pillow and some sponge thing - whcih i did not discover until I woke up to that animal about to puke noise. Glug, glug yak....

Rest enough to fight off any bugs that are trying to take you over - nasty stuff is out there these days!

Keith said...

Tell me again why people have dogs??

And why we think they are domesticated??

Susi said...

i have to laugh sometimes at how i can be on such a high one day from a great workout, then bongo, i'm a slug in the next one. too funny.

your story about the pup made me think of how my cat used to eat the tinsel on the tree...unfortunately he didn't hurl it up but rather it would hang from his butt. ew. glad puppy is ok!