Friday, February 6, 2009

Holy Crap

I am tuckered right out. After Tuesday I thought the rest of the week's training wouldn't be quite as challenging...I was wrong.

Wednesday I went for my hilly run, not very hard to find hills considering I work in an area called North hill. It was a good challenge and left me with that very familiar leg acheyness(I don't think that is a word) I get, I suppose 60 min of continuous hills will do that to a person. By swimming that night I knew it would be a tough one to make it through. We were standing on the pool deck and Greg said only 60 minutes then you get to go to bed. With that thought I figured I had better get the party started. We did a very deceiving workout; after warm-ups and golf we did 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and back down. We were supposed to do 2-250's but I didn't understand the workout and by the time Greg explained in to me I was on my way back down and at 150...oh well. I think the water had extra resistance that night though, I could not get my arms to do what I wanted them to. I struggled my way through and was so happy when I got to go into the hottub afterwards. Ahhhh, Thursday spin class wouldn't be as tough as Tuesday right???

Wrongo. As soon as we did warmups at spin class and did the "easier" 15/15's (15sec fast, 15 slow) I knew we were in for a gooder. Last night MAP's weren't quite as bad for a couple of reasons: the first being I went into an easier gear so I could keep my cadence up where it should be, and the second was that we started out with the longer sets and they got shorter and shorter. I did better with not guzzeling water in between sets so I didn't feel like I was gonna heave this time around.

After I got home last night Chad and I took Rexy to the dog park, 30 min of walking was hard work. I think I have done a number to my legs this week and I am so happy all I have to do today is walk the dog!

There is more swimming, biking, and running to be done this weekend though.

Have a good weekend!

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