Monday, July 14, 2008

Since the race...


Well since the race last weekend it has been a low key recovery week for this gal. Tuesday I did a easy spin on the bike to get the legs moving and to get rid of the soreness! Wednesday I did an easy swim, which felt really good!

Thursday night was group night. I was feeling pretty crappy all day and at around 4 pm the hail and thunder and lightening started! Yikers! I decided to check my email before going to meet everyone, by this time it was raining really hard....I guess at least the hail stopped! Surely Greg won't get us out in this right???? Well I was sure happy to see that I had a bunch of emails from everyone about not going out riding! Whew! I was fully prepared to go but not looking forward to it :) I went home instead and I had every intention of getting on the trainer later that night. Yeah....that didn't happen! Oh well I wasn't feeling the greatest so I watched to tour instead.

Friday I went for yet another swim, I am starting to feel rather fish like lately. I had a couple sets of 10 x 50m to do. I have a hard time with 50 m because I can't seem to go as fast as I think I should be going (if that makes sense). I did a swim workshop once and the coach said that I have really good technique but my arm turn over in the water is really slow. Hmmmm, this got me thinking. So on the 50's I focused on increasing my arm turnover...and it worked! I was about 3 seconds faster on each one. By the end of the workout which was all 50's with some 100' arms felt like they weighed 100 pounds by the end....but I was a little faster!

On Saturday Chad ditched out (hee hee) to go mountain biking. I was on my own for the first time in awhile. First off stupid me was too lazy to dig out the sunscreen from the camping stuff. I thought I would be okay for only a couple of hours out in the sun. I was wrong about that and now my shoulders are a pretty shade of pink, my bad. Anyway, I went along the 22x out to Bragg Creek. I am not too sure why so many people ride on this highway because the pavement sucks. Maybe it gets better past Bragg Creek, I didn't ride that far but between the gravel, trucks, and potholes I thought I was going to die. OK I might be a little melodramatic here, but I have had better places to bike before. I did learn where elbow falls are though.

Alright, so the bike was going okay but my legs were not so happy with the couple of big climbs along the way. I was definitely tired by the time I was done and happy to get off of the bike. I loaded my bike back into my car and went to put on my running shoes and alas I had no socks. I decided to still go for a little jog, but I only lasted about 10 min before I could feel my shoes blisters though!

Yesterday I went for a 40 min run, it felt good to be running again! I love running because all I need are my shoes and I can run from my front door! I decided not to go hiking with Chad. My original plan was to get up at 6:30 am to get my run in, go for the group hike with everyone, come home and go swimming. After a late dinner at the Keg on Saturday night and a glass of wine later (I am a light weight) we decided it would be best for me not to go. I wasn't so much the exercise as having a long day and I am a princess when it comes to needing a certain amount of sleep!

Onto another topic; I am a little ditzy from time to time and I forgot that the Talisman Center closes at 10 not 11pm on I didn't get my entire swim in last night but part of it. I had just eaten dinner and I thought I had at least and 1.5 hours to digest my meal...wrongo! With a push from Chad I went to the pool and got it done but it wasn't pretty. I felt like my belly was dragging along the bottom of the pool, I had to do pull because otherwise I would have been swimming in my dinner. Oh the things I do to myself!

Tonight I am going for a ride, it is supposed to be raining again so I may just have to bike on the trainer. But more excitingly I am going to Penticton on Thursday for a training camp with Greg and crew! This is going to be a challenging weekend I am sure! The organisational freak that I am I will start packing tonight and making lists of things to bring. I only have one pair of "bike" shorts all of my others are tri shorts so I may steal a pair of Chads....can girls wear guys cycling shorts hmmmm????? I am leaving on Wednesday night straight from work to drive half way so I better get packin'.

I hope everyone had a great weekend of training and good job to all those who raced the previous weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Lisa Ulrich said...

Have an awesome time in Penticton! You could wear 2 pairs of tri-shorts together for extra padding - i have done that with cycling short and tri shorts and it works!