Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pre race thoughts

Hey all,

Tonight I headed out to Cochrane with the group... no hills for me because I am racing on Sunday!

If you would have asked me yesterday how I thought my race was going to go, I would have hummed and hawed and said I was nervous and yaddie yaddie yadda. I got to thinking last night and I always tell my clients to be positive and believe in themselves. So today I would have answered, I am going to go out there and leave it all out on the course. I am training more efficiently than I ever have before (thanks Greg!), so I am going to go out there and giver....while keeping my heart rate where it should be of course :)

We are leaving tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. This again is not a pretty picture, but I started packing this afternoon so everything should go smoothly in the wee hours.

My plan for the swim is to take it easy for the first lap and pick up the pace a bit for the second lap. I am not too worried about the swim, I just hate the beginning!

On the bike my major goal will be to stay hydrated. I do not do well in heat and it is supposed to be a scorcher on Sunday (who's idea was it to race in the desert anyway???). Water will be my friend. My main focus will be on Richter Pass, I have never done an 11 km climb before. That is why I am doing it for the first time on Sunday rather than on Ironman day. After that we hit the rollers and then come back again...what fun!

The run will be a matter of survival in the heat. I have been training a lot more on hot days this year, purposely running in the middle of the day when it is the hottest! If I can keep my heart rate down I know I will be fine. I have been feeling amazing on my brick workouts lately so I should be good to go. On the first lap I am going to see how I am doing and re-evaluate as I start the second. If I am feeling really good I may give it a little extra push towards the end and finish strong.

I have a few other people out there with me this weekend which will be awesome to see some familiar faces out on the course. Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!


Luanne said...

You have been so focused and trained so hard - you will do great!

Nanette said...

Good luck on the race this weekend. I know you'll do fantastic!

Lisa Ulrich said...

Good luck this weekend Leslie! Just giver and leave it all out on the course like you say! Hopefully you will keep cool on the run! If they have ice at the aid stations use it to your advantage and stuff some in your sports bra! It really works!

runningman said...

arg, still no race report. I'm afraid to admit how many times I've checked. :P