Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A New PR!!!!


That's right everyone I finished in under 7 hours, yeeeee hawwwww! Officially 6:56:something! I am sorry for the delay on the race report (hee hee Darryl), I had a hell of a time with these pictures. Here's how it went...

We got up nice n early Friday morning and headed out on the open road. The drive was nice as always...except for the yelling at people who won't drive the speed limit!

Once we got to Osoyoos we stopped by the package pickup right away and I was all checked in. Number 307....that's a lucky one. Once we found our campground and got organised we headed to the beach to check it out and relax a bit (see pics). After dinner that night (where I had the BEST BURGER and salad EVER...yummm) we went and drove Richter Pass so I could mentally prepare myself. I think we should have drove a little further....more on that later.

Saturday I was up around 8 am. I hopped on my bike a little later and did a tour de Osoyoos. I quickly learned that there is nothing but hills around there! When thirty minutes on the bike was done I went for a little jaunt
along the run course. I was feeling pretty good about the race, I am getting much better with my pre-race anxiety. Normally this would be freak out time for me but I was calm, cool and collected.

Chad and I decided to head into Penticton for the day and went to the bike barn, saltys for dinner, peach city runners etc. On our way back to the camp we decided to stop by and visit Iona and her friend Jamie for a bit.

Race morning. I wasn't nervous until I finished setting up transition. I stayed on my own and relaxed as much as possible. I was in the second heat so I got into the water (which was sooooo nice and warm) and warmed up a bit.

The swim was really good. This was the calmest swim start I have ever been in. No bumping, pushing, shoving. I got into my groove right away. The second lap came around and I kept forgetting to pick up the pace. I would focus on it for a bit and then before I knew it I would be back in my comfortable pace. I need to focus a little more I think because my swim could have been better. I was the same pace as I was last year.

Transition went very smoothly. I was outta there quickly and onto the bike. The climb started right away and I just kept chugging along. Before I knew it I was passing people climbing up Richter!! I couldn't believe it. A lot of them passed me on the way down since they outweighed me by a few pounds! I felt really good, kept with my nutrition plan. Once we got over Richter and started on the rollers the wind was howlin'. Strong headwind all the way out to Cawston. There was a little flat stretch on the way back where we had a tail wind and we could fly! And then came the rollers.....again. I was feeling okay until the last roller before going back up the other side of richter. Damn hills. And to top it off.....the wind changed directions! So I had yet another head wind climbing. Grrrrrr.

Into transition I went. I think I was a little excited because I was taking off my race belt, realised what I was doing, put it back on, went to leave.....where do I go???? I am not too sure why I all of the sudden forgot my brain, but I found my way out onto the run course! I was feeling awesome and I had to keep telling myself to slow down. Apparently I didn't listen because all was good until the last 4-5 km and then it started to really hurt! Note to self....pacing. I am normally really good at pacing myself so I am not too sure what happened here but I learned my lesson. I tried to keep as cool as I could, lots of water, sponges, ice in the bra (thanks Lisa it really helped!). Again my heart rate was a little higher than I thought it would be, but not too bad. The last couple of km's with those little hills was really hard, but I wouldn't let myself stop pushing.

I am happy with how I did and I am curious how I would do on a different course??? Hmmmm, the brain is turning. It was a giant training day in the heat on the IMC bike course which is why I went out there in the first place. Everything was accomplished!

I was sore the next day, sitting in the truck didn't help I am sure! I am feeling better now, still a little residual soreness but nothing too bad. The count down to IMC is on!!!!

Oh, Chad and I take tons and tons of pics. So there is a lot to look at....and this is not even half of them :)


Luanne said...

Congratulations - I am so impressed and proud of you! Amazing and inspiring!

runningman said...

wowzers a PR on that course??? That rocks!! Just think in a few weeks you'll only have to do Richter once and once you have that mastered, Yellow lake is a easier climb. Oh you're going the training camp right? Greg'll make you climb all of them and some harder climbs too. :P Keep up the good work Leslie!

Julie said...

Great race Leslie!! What a fantastic day you had - and you looked completely fabulous in your pink loveliness!!!

Lisa Ulrich said...

Leslie! That is so awesome! A PR on such a tough course is amazing! You are going to have a great race at IM Canada. Next year you should do Great White North and you'll probably crush your new PR even more!

Nanette said...

Wahoo!! Way to go! It was so exciting to read your race report (and the pics are great too!) I can't wait to see you race in Penticton!