Monday, May 4, 2009

I can breathe again!


Last week was a crazy week, my boss has been gone for about 3 weeks and it all added up by the end of the week. I also had to work on Saturday, so I was up earlier than I usually am during the week to be into work for about 6 hours. Needless to say between work and training I am pooped!

Here's what I remember:

Tuesday I did a recovery ride on my own at home (75 min I believe) was also my birthday so I skipped spin class so Chad and I could go out for birthday supper!

Wednesday I went for an easy 40 min run...nothing exciting happened while I was running. I didn't have a watch, HR, pace...nothing! I forgot all of my gadgets at home so I was running just for the sake of running, and I felt great. By Wednesday night the feeling of greatness was gone. I had an IBS flare up that started on Monday and it got the best of me by that night. So our swim was less than stellar and we ended up with a lot of hot tub time!

Thursday Chad and I biked at home on the trainers due to the usual crappy weather conditions! We did a 90 min ride with some hills. I love watching Chad hurting on the bike...this triathlon stuff isn't so easy hey?? We did 6 x 6 min hills with 4 min easy. All and all it was a good ride!

Friday didn't do too much...took Rexy for a walk and went to bed early so I could get up and go to work on Saturday.

Saturday I was feeling a little tired when I got home from work but managed to convince Chad to go for a run too. It is always easier to get out the door when someone else is going too! This is my first long run where it was actually warm out, so I had a little bit of a hard time keeping the ticker where it should be. I felt great for the first half of my run until I hit the sets of intervals. OUCH! I had 3 x 6-8 min at 10 km pace with 4 min rest. I thought it would be pretty easy...tough...but not killer. I hit the first one going up big bertha (a hill that kills on one of our running routes). By the time I got to the top I thought I was going to keel over. My heart rate was at 172, it had been a couple of years since I hit the 170's running! The rest of that interval was spent trying to breathe. The next one was fairly flat...still hurt just not as bad. The last one I hit the remainder of the hills...back up to 172. This run kicked my A$$. I can tell I was running hard because I was sore yesterday...even my butt was sore!

Yesterday Chad and I went for a long bike ride. We decided to do the Beisiker road since we had never done it and that we we could pawn Rexy off on family! The first 40 km was good, I was chillin and just enjoying being outside. I did notice that we were continuously going down and that the way back was going to hurt. The first half was good 40 km in 90 min...finally felt like I could bike again. Chad and I rode around Biesiker looking for a gas station (that we couldn't find, how weird is that?) and we got hit with a little mini twister. We watched it coming towards us and decided to stop and put our feet on the ground before this thing hit us. I have never seen one this strong. It picked up peoples chairs in their back yards and the hit the roof! Yikes. We made it out with rocks in our shoes and wondering what had just happened. The ride home was awful. Full on crazy wind...yet again. I am really starting to get sick of this wind, some wind okay, to be expected we live in Alberta but this is getting a little crazy and tiresome on my poor little legs. Did I mention that it was 40 km uphill against crazy wind??? I just keep telling myself that it is good still sucks though. I was so happy to get back to the house. I took Rexy and we went for a little transition run. Greg said something about tempo in there?? I'm not too sure it was quite tempo but my legs were moving so I was happy with that.

Today I am tired. Easy run and bike...thank goodness the easy was written right into my plan. In the meantime I have some blog reading to catch up on!


Susi said...

glad you guys didn't get hit by any cows going through the air eh?? holy hannah! only one more week till penticton - yay!!

Shannon Wicks said...

Good luck in Lethbridge this weekend.