Monday, January 4, 2010

Almost time...

It is about time for me to start the base training for the 2010 I ready yet? I normally don't like being lazy, but December was nice. I still walked Rexy everyday, did some weights, did some short runs, snowshoed a bit, but what I liked most was not having my life revolve around triathlon training. I was and still am a bit mentally tired of training!

I am starting to miss it so I am ready for a little unstructured training now. Tomorrow bike class starts again and I think I may keel over and die...nothing like a good ass kicking to get you back on the wagon.

I started looking at races for next year today, I am going to have to consult my other half before I make any decisions...this is afterall his break from Ironman too!

Boise state is playing in the Fiesta bowl tonight...go broncs!


Susi said...

i have been loving not having an ironman to do this year! haha. still working out regularly, but doing whatever the day feels like. is kind of liberating. haha.

is your computer back up? i have photos to send you! dad took a really nice one of you at the condo. is awesome!

runningman said...

Good to see you're on the Mend Leslie, both physically and Mentally. Isn't it weird that the Mental side of it all takes longer to rejuvinate. Don't worry you'll get all the motivation back in due time, don't rush it. Enjoy your down time. :)