So I did some cooking and baking on Sunday and I made 2 of my favorite recipes and 1 new one. I will start with the burgers first. These are delicious, they are made with spinach, tomatoes, dill, green onion, pepper, and ground turkey - yummy!
My girlfriend gave me a quinoa cookbook for Christmas and everything I have made from it so far is delicious! This week I tried a bean salad, and it is really good and also really easy to make. For all of you non-cookers out there, it took me less than 2 hours from start to finish to make all of these things...dishes and kitchen cleaning included.
Training has been going well this week - biking and running a lot. So happy it has gotten warmer out. I went out for an 80 min run on Sunday when it was still like -30. I had so many clothes on I was kind of uncomfortable the entire time! It wasn't really bad, but the last 20 min I had a head wind, so that sucked and I was pretty cold when I got back to the car.
On Monday night I was out running with Rexy and I saw a great horned owl. It was dark out so I couldn't see it too clearly, but he was perched up in a tree - and it looked like he was hunting. That is one of the things I like about being out training all of the times. I have seen some pretty cool things and have come across all kinds of wildlife - awesome.
Last night I did a quick bike - only 70 min, but I did the TV workout. I was watching The Biggest Loser, so during the show I did an easy gear - 90ish cadence and then when the commercials come on I would go into a hard gear and make my legs hurt. It is a good, simple workout when you are not motivated!
Today I went running on the trails by my house and discovered a new trail system closer to the river and it was awesome. There are a lot of trails in there and I love exploring them - so does Rexy.
I have not ventured to the pool yet this week - hopefully on the weekend I will get into the chlorine infested waters :)
Happy Training everyone!