Wednesday, October 6, 2010



So Chad told me my blog was boring so I figured I should give everyone an update! Based on the comments from the last post I feel as though I should clarify, NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!! HAHA HA! I was just feeling the taper blues.

Well the marathon was terrible. I have been having trouble with my asthma all summer - not too sure why but when I caught a cold 5 days before my marathon I knew that this could be bad.

Race morning I was feeling pretty good. I went for a quick 10 min run the day before the race and my legs felt good. They bussed us out to the race start and so I was out there for like an hour before the race started. Turns out it is cold in Montana in the fall and I froze! It was so cold that my inhaler also froze and I couldn't get anything out of it.

We had to walk part way up this giant hill to start, I guess I shouldn't complain we could have started from the bottom:) The gun went off and everyone took off like it was a 10km race we were running - did I mention the first 2 miles were up a giant hill! These marathoners are crazy.

Anyway the first 16miles were on trails and it was beautiful and I was having some fun. The hills were pretty extreme and my legs were beginning to feel the effects of running down the steep hills by around mile 14. My lungs were hurtin' like crazy and I just kept taking my inhaler and it would get better for 2-3 miles and then I would need to take it again.

By the time I got to the pavement the first mile was good and then the wheels fell off. My inhaler wasn't helping me at all anymore and I couldn't breathe, not to mention the pain train picked me up for a ride! So I walked and ran my way to the finish line and it took forever! This part of the race was along the highway and boring. This was the longest 10 miles I have ever run!

I did finish but I do not know what my time was nor have I checked - it was loooong though! I learned a few things about training for a marathon and if I can ever convince myself to do this again I know what I would do differently. It is now back to triathlon for this chick - thank goodness!

I have started biking again and I am loving it! I can't believe how much I missed biking and I almost kinda miss swimming a little bit :) I am trying to get my legs a little tuned in for the ass kicking I am going to get when I go back to bike class next week! I am so excited! I have been running since we got home from holidays as well - going back to building aerobic base. Swimming is soon to be thrown in the mix.

I will post some pics from San Fran and update about that in the next few days!!

Until then happy training everyone!