Saturday, July 17, 2010



Here are some videos of Rexy in her Superdog debut at the Calgary Stampede on Saturday! Except for the 3rd video when she missed a couple of tunnels, things went well! So good in fact, that they invited us back to be there on Sunday as well!

They talked today about putting her into some frisbee catching stuff, so I'll try and get Chad to catch a video of that tomorrow!

Below are a couple photos of after the day...the first one is is when people get to come and meet her after the show (you can see me in the middle with the sparkly gold shirt); the second is Rexy in her kennel in the back (she NEVER lays down like that)!

All said and done...a very good day! Wish us luck tomorrow! If you are bored, shows are at 12, 2:30, 5, and 7pm! See you there!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Big News!


Whitefish Montana here we come. Thats right I finally signed up for the marathon so we will see how that goes on September 12th.

More exciting is that last Saturday Rexy had a try out for the Superdogs during Stampede. We got a call on Sunday and we are going down to the grounds this Saturday. We will not be in the show for sure, but there is a chance. Basically we can train in the equipment inbetween the shows and if they decide to stick her in the show then they will. So we won't know until the day of but here's hoping!

Other than that it is training as per usual. Have a good one guys and Happy Training!