Friday, March 27, 2009

Ironman Utah Anyone??

Hey guys!
Chad and I have been throwing around the idea of Ironman have Greg and Darryl. Doing a race in Utah would be super fun, and we could go to Vegas! It is in May so it is a good thing I don't mind riding on the trainer. It does look crazy hilly though, here are the profiles for the bike and run (2 lap course).

Bike Course

Run Course

Ummmm...yikes. The good news is that hills are fun to climb on the bike....the run not as much.

On Tuesday was time trial. At the beginning Greg said same gear, same cadence, heart rate under 170bpm. I looked at him like he was crazy but did it anyway. I topped out at 165....what 165??? Its almost like this Greg guy knows what he is doing or something! It was nice to see the improvement since my last time trial was awful!

Wednesday I did a 40 min run, it was good, nothing really exciting to report there except that it was crazy windy and a cold wind at that. I can't wait to wear shorts and a tank top running. Wednesday night we met up with the group and went swimming. I had a good swim...I felt GOOD in the water. It has been a long time coming that I felt like I was doing what I was supposed to! Greg did bring up the idea of adding a third swim in...he's getting me used to the idea so that when it happens I don't freak out. Maybe once it gets warm out swimming won't be such a bad thing...that is if spring EVER gets here.

Last nights bike class was fun, we split up into teams and cheered each other on for some higher intensity stuff. At the end we did a progression, every 1-2 min we had to go up a gear (a gear harder) and maintain our cadence of above 90. Once you couldn't hold the cadence you were done. This was harder than I thought it was going to be. At first easy but by the 4th time you up a gear it starts to hurt a bit. I was soooo very close to getting to the big ring...maybe next time!!!

This weekend more swim, bike, run to be done!

Happy Training!


Eileen Swanson said...

Great job on all of your training! Woohoo!! Give Rexy a hug from Belle ;-)

Anonymous said...

Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I wonder when we will finally hit the ratio of 1c to 1 Gigabyte.

I eagerly wait for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 TB hard disk, haha. But for now I will be happy with having a 16 GB Micro SD in my R4i.

(Submitted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] BPost)