Monday, March 23, 2009

The last few days...

Hey guys,

Last Thursday I had a client no show me...and as I waited and waited for her to get there my window of time to run home and get my bike was decreasing rapidly. By the time I figured out that she wasn't coming there was not enough time for me to go home so I missed spin class:( That doesn't mean I didn't bike though! I toughed it out at home by myself and it is a lot harder when you don't have someone telling you EXACTLY what to do, and also you don't have other people there with you working hard and help you challenge yourself. Greg told me to do 2 x 30 min sets as a main set with a mix of hills, flat, downhill, etc. I remember looking at my watch at 15 min and thinking oh my god this is going to be a long workout. It felt like I was on the bike for 3 hours, it was good, but felt oh so very very long!

Friday all I did was walk the dog...very exciting I know!

Saturday I woke up feeling like total crap. I had to drag myself out of bed at 10:30 and I felt awful. After procrastinating for awhile I finally went for a run. I went for 75 min, once I warmed up a bit I felt surprisingly good, by the time I got home I was pooped. That could be due to the fact that Calgary's weather changes so rapidly. I started out with nice and warm sun, no wind and it regressed to cloudy, cold, and windy. I was expending a lot of energy trying to stay warm due to the fact I was dressed for weather situation #1. When I got home I had a shower and curled up in bed until Chad kicked me out saying that we were going to Costco with his parents!

Sunday morning I was going to go to rock climbing, then go to work, then bike at home, then go swimming. What actually happened was Chad looking in the back alley and telling me that I probably won't be able to get my car out....great. So no rock climbing for me, and I had a 2 hour ride scheduled and not enough time to do it and I decided to be lazy instead! I went to work and we were surprisingly steady all day. I did manage to order a new trainer for myself though...the order will be placed on Tuesday so in a couple of weeks Chad and I can spin away! I don't know why but when I work at the tech shop I am always tuckered out when I get home, after being lazy for awhile I started getting everything together to ride (which can take me a long time if I am tired). By the time I got on my bike it was 7pm and I was going to bike for 2 hours so Chad decided to go swimming early and I decided to push the swim over to Monday!

Today I am going for a run and going swimming! No rest for the wicked and for those who skip there scheduled workouts:)


Susi said...

hey les,

where do you guys go climbing? i took a lesson at stronghold, but didn't have anyone to go with. i'd like to get into a bit more so if you are looking for someone to go climbing with, let me know. oh, i'd have to go back and redo the belay lesson as it's been a couple of years.

take care

Eileen Swanson said...

Cool blog!! I love Rexy. How old is she/he? Good job on your workouts! Don't worry if you have to miss one or 2, life is more important ;-) Sounds like you have alot of cool stuff going on, love climbing too!!

Keith said...

I'm glad you're still getting in your workouts. I'm not.