Thursday, March 19, 2009

I miss spring break...

Hey Friends,

After talking to my sister last week and having a bunch of teachers come through my office I have come to the conclusion that everyone should still have spring break. A week or two that is not included in your holiday time to chill out and relax. Wouldn't that be nice???

I do like the warmer weather that we have been having lately, getting out for those runs in less layers is nice! Here is what I have been up to:

Monday - I went and bought a new trainer for Chad and I to share....we will need another one eventually but for now having something smooth and fluid to spin on is amazing. I also suck at putting things together as a threw a fit trying to put the wheel thingy on the new was not a pretty sight.

Tuesday - Still sore...lats, quads, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, core...good times. Last weekend kicked my ass. Bike class was fun, we did the IMC course in 1 hour. It brought back a few memories thats for sure, everyone was chatting about their IMC experiences! There were 5 of us who went for a run, Leaha and I kept it nice and aerobic for 20 min legs were hurting!

Wednesday - Still some residual soreness in my legs and back....what the eff did I do to myself???? I did an easy 30 min run; it feels like a charlie horse in my quad and I can't seem to hit it stretching. I was going to go on the rollar last night but forgot until right now! Swimming last night went well, longer easier sets this time...recovery from Sunday's swim! I have to admit I do cheat a little when Greg is not there (Greg you can stop reading now:). I tend not to fully warm up....sometimes I count the first part of the main set a warm up and then I might float around for a bit as a cool down...and then booker to the hottub!

Today I have my appointment with the Naturopath. I am also on a wait list to see a dermatologist. Hopefully some of this stuff can be taken care of! Tonight I have bike class and tomorrow's Friday...yay!!!