Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Coughs and sniffles

Yes I have been full of the body aches, coughing, sniffling, headaches, everything that goes along with having a cold. Normally when I get sick I still train, push through, and end up being sick for 2 weeks instead of taking a few days off.

So THIS TIME I decided to listen to my body...chill out for a few days. I can feel it breaking up in my lungs already on day 3. It makes for a boring day with no training, but I think I will recover faster this way??

Also after I had that horrific swim on Sunday that was more than enough to let me know to rest instead of train. On the other hand I did get caught up on laundry and have been watching a lot of movies!

Stay warm my friends....Brrr....when is spring coming?????


Susi said...

good on ya for listening to your body and taking a break! i'm sure your coughs and sniffles will be gone much faster than if you pushed through it! in fact, i bet you come back better, faster and stronger from the rest! take care.

Keith said...

Hey! We missed you at spin class. So we all talked about you. Till we got into the time trial. There was so much sweat on the floor you had to be careful where you walked.

Steve Stenzel said...

Oh, I hope you feel better soon!!

And YES!! Bring on Spring!!

p.s. I hope to have an IM COZ course preview on my blog tomorrow (Sunday), and I see you're doing IM COZ this year. Thought you might want to stop by and check it out...

Susi said...

hey Leslie, Jenna sent me's what steve mentioned in his comment:

btw, read the comment from SWTRIGIRL!! important stuff there!

hope you are feeling better!