Monday, January 19, 2009

I figured it out....

Hi friends,

Well with much reflection over the past week I have figured out why I am having a hard time fitting my training in. Normally my training is a top priority and everything else I want to do moves around it. Lately I have been trying to get everything else done prior to my training and alas I end up very frustrated due to missing workouts.

I know it happens, but when it happens all of the time I get frustrated. I am now focused and my training has moved up on the priority ladder, it will never be number 1 but it needs to be higher than it has been in the past month.

I got my new training schedule from Greg and he has put a little more focus on running, so I have some intervals, hills, cadence work to do over the next couple of weeks. Maybe we can get these little legs of mine running faster!

On another note I think I am going to make a Doctors appointment to get some blood work done. I have been feeling more tired than usual and my blood pressure keeps getting lower and lower. I hate getting blood I have been procrastinating this for awhile!

Oh and Rexy has discovered shoes.....

Have a great week guys!


Lisa Ulrich said...

Good idea to get your blood checked - hopefully your iron and hemoglobin are okay!

Susi said...

hey leslie,

i can totally relate to what you are going through. last year i started a new job and the schedule with training was crazy. somehow you just manage to find a schedule that works - it's all trial and error! haha.

btw, your dog is beautiful!! hope he isn't interested in running or bike shoes... LOL

Chad Geiger said...

That's the only shoes she likes Susi!