Friday, August 8, 2008

Hills hills and more hills

Last night we headed out for the group ride and it was a hot one...a little windy though! Once we warmed up we went out to some hill in Tuscany. On the way there we went through this construction zone and I was right behind Darryl. His water bottle launched out of it holder and almost hit me! I was yelling at him but the road was really rough and I had 4 more people behind I wasn't going to stop! Little did I know that my water bottle popped out at the same time!

We made it through all of the twists and turns, following Greg out to the hill. Once we got there we did 5-6 sets of 2 hills, one easy, one hard. It was a good workout, about half way through is when I realised I had lost my water bottle so I had to ration the rest! Somewhere in the middle of a hard set Greg was in front of me and Darryl was behind me both encouraging me to push a little harder, as Julie would say I was full on porn star breathing by the time I got to the top! Ouch!

After we made it back to the church I decided to go and look for my water bottle. This was a special order from the states water bottle and I couldn't disappoint Lance and leave it out on the middle of the road. I found mine and Darryl's easily enough....ran out in the middle of traffic and retrieved them:) People were looking at me like I was a crazy person!

Today I am going swimming and I am going to work on my race plan and nutrition plan for the big day! I have some training on the weekend....maybe I will convince Chad to join me in the transition run!

Happy Training!


Julie said...

Hahahaha! You are a nutbar!! I can just imagine a convoy of you all yelling at the cyclist in front of you, "Your bottle just fell out!"

I totally think that running out into the middle of traffic to retrieve the bottles counts as a t-run!! :):)

Great training Leslie -- can't wait to see you again in Penticton! :)

runningman said...

LOL porn star breathing. Thanks again for getting my bottle. Hey, we work as a team. I totally love the fact that I have found a sport where I can cheer for a friend as well as compete against him/her(I guess him since I don't have hers in my cat). :)

Chad Geiger said...

You are a CRAZY PERSON and you are NUTTY!

Leaha said...

Hi Leslie,

Great to meet you too! Hope to see you at the race. :)
