Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I made history!

Hello Bloggers,

I know it has been a long time since my last post...I have been busy! So much so I can't really remember too much from last week. I know on Wednesday I did a long run, I had a break in the afternoon from work so I took off for a couple of hours and got my workout in. Thursday I went riding with the group and there was FREEZING COLD WIND. Climbing up the hill kept me warm enough but the ride back was not fun.

Friday I think I went for a run and Chad and I drove up to Edmonton. My grandparents live up there and this was going to be the last chance to visit them before Ironman so we figured we should go. We arrived very late Friday night; I turn into a pumpkin at midnight, so by 2 am I was a hurting unit.

The next day I slept in a bit, and got some visiting in. Once Chad was up we headed out for a bike. We didn't really know where we were going, we saw some cyclists up ahead and followed them. Well at some point we were supposed to turn south to hit another highway...we missed the turn. We were on a back country road somewhere and could only go that's where we went. We ended up on Highway 16, we rode out to Mundare and back again. It was a little boring BUT we rode 140km.....that's the longest I have EVER ridden!!! Whoot whoot! My butt was very very tender in the days to follow. When we got back I went for a quick 20 min run and felt not too bad. I think I was just happy to be vertical.

That night we ate dinner and man was I hungry. After that we sat around for a bit, I made sure I had an ice bath and then we slept. Poor Chad, he was a little tuckered out. He had slept for 14 hours that night! I don't think he is a fan of the 5 hour bike rides!

Sunday I was able to get a swim in before we headed to Pigeon Lake to visit my aunt and uncle who were camping out there. Chad was having too much fun playing with my cousin and his friends so we didn't leave until 11:30pm. Another 2:00 am trip for us!

Monday I managed to roll myself out of bed and my legs still didn't feel as though they belonged to my body. After procrastinating for awhile I headed out to do a 3 hour bike. I was about 2 hours in and I could see the very large looming dark clouds ahead of me and coming in my direction. I was saved in the nick of time my a family who didn't want to see me get pummeled.

That night I was soooo tired and our apartment was like 110 degrees and needless to say the heat won out and I didn't sleep a whole lot. We were up bright and early Tuesday morning to go hiking, Chad is bringing a bunch of his clients out to Banff in a couple of weeks so he wanted to check it out first. My legs were a little jello-ie all day and by the time we got home I crashed and burned.

Tonight I am going for a run and a swim. I am feeling good today so I should be in good shape by the time Sunday comes around!

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