Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hitting the trails

Hey guys,

So I have been busy...maybe not with triathlon but with everything else in my life!

Rexy has been doing great in agility we come superdogs! woooo hoooo! She loves to work hard and is ready to do anything anytime. Our challenge for the last couple of weeks was to work on her "off" switch. For anyone who has met her will immediately know the challenge we are in for. Surprisingly she is getting there. We still have to give it a to her she is still working...we tell her to "chill!"

We volunteered for the Spring Thaw Trio on the weekend at an aid station. It was weird because we had 2 stations: the first just past the turn around - the idea was to go around the turn around and then hit the aid station. The 2nd aid station was for the 15km racers just past the 10km turn around. This shouldn't be hard...but for the majority of the runners it was. They kept crossing the pathways to get to the aid station - good thing it was a small race and there weren't people running into each other!

I also headed out to West Bragg Creek with the ladies from work again and we miscalculated the distance of trails - aimed for 7 km and ended up doing 10 km. That was a challenge for this road junkie. All of the snow was still melting out there so we were all full of mud and dirt - tons of fun!Not to mention I did an 80 min run 2 days before that! Whew! I also through in a day of hill repeats in there last week and I did them again tonight!

These were white when we started!

This weekend is a little slower than the last - whew! Rexy and I will be without Chad for class this week, we will see how it goes!

Good luck to everyone running the Calgary Police Half Marathon and 5km this Sunday!

Happy Training

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Feet Hurt!

Hey all,

I haven't been up to much since my last post. I have taken to trail running of late and needless to say it is kicking my butt. There are some pretty good hills out there and I am loving the challenge.

I am still battling with my asthma - this spring sucks big time. Especially with the crazy wind, rain, and snow we have been having.

A girlfriend and I went out to Bragg Creek today for an easy 5 km run and it was so nice to be in the mountains. Within 5 mins I wiped out on the ice...but I managed to catch myself on the way down and there was no harm done. I do need a new pair of trail runners as the bottoms of my feet are very sore.

Other than that nothing new here, I can tell that summer is on the way because we are getting busier and busier.

Happy Training!
